Fortran optimisation package containing routines
and shell scripts for parallel global multi-start
optimisation, more specifically simulation based
The problem is fitting mechanical behaviour of materials
from FE simulation of a range of tests, initially buckling
of cylindrical rods.
The objective function is based on sum of squares of the
residuals between experimental and FE load/displacement data.
OPTPACK is distributed under BSD license.
24-JAN-2016: OPTPACK 1.0, intial release.
A. Shterenlikht, M. M. Kashani, N. A. Alexander, G. Williams, A. J. Crewe, Auto-tuning of isotropic hardening constitutive models on real steel buckling data with finite element based multistart global optimisation on parallel computers, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2017, Article ID 6132106, Open Access,